From Acción Proletaria
Organ of the Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)
May, 1998

Santiago, March 24, 1998

To the National Democratic Front of the Philippines

on the 25th Anniversary of its Foundation

Dear Comrades,

April 24 is a day marked in red in the history of the heroic Philippine people. It was on April 24, 1973, in accord with the putting into practice of the correct line of the Communist Party of the Philippines, that the democratic and revolutionary forces established their alliance for the national and social liberation of the Philippines.

We workers and peoples of the world, particularly the communists, are witnesses to the great fight of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines, which could not be covered up by the imperialist and reactionary press and media; they have bit on something they cannot swallow.

In accord with the justness of their cause, their position and struggle against the various expressions of imperialism and internal reaction, we have no doubt that the 25 years of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines will be a new stimulus for the popular democratic combat of the heroic Philippine people.

Yesterday against the bloody pro-Yankee dictatorship of Marcos, today against the continuation [of the politics] of the Corazon Aquinos and Ramoses, you are constructing the road to popular victory.


In closing and greeting all the activities in commemoration of your 25th anniversary, we take the opportunity to thank you once more for the great internationalist support which you gave our people in the struggle against the fascist military dictatorship, particularly the great mass mobilizations which frustrated the meeting between Pinochet and Marcos on Philippine soil. This act was a great stimulus for our struggle.

We Greet the 25th Anniversary of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines!
Long Live the Friendship between the Peoples of Chile and the Philippines!
The Workers and Peoples of the World will Win!

Political Secretariat of the Central Committee of the
Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

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