From En Marcha
Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
October 20-26, 1998

International Conference of
Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations


In the month of October the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations was held in Venezuela. In an atmosphere of comradeship the Conference made a summary of its activities from its last meeting until today; it analyzed the present international situation, emphasizing the situation of imperialism; and it established the tasks to which all the member parties and organizations are committed.

In the summary of its activities the Conference emphasized the advances in relations with other parties; the distribution of the journal "Unity and Struggle," the development of the campaigns of solidarity with Francisco Caraballo, Commander of the EPL [Popular Liberation Army] and First Secretary of the Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist), today a prisoner of the reactionary government of his country; and for the appearance alive of Comrade Gregory Alvarado, a leader of the Communist Party of Mexico Marxist-Leninist, victim of the repression of the Mexican government. It emphasized as well the carrying out of important events, such as the International Meeting of Trade Unionists held in France, the Seminar on the Problems of the Revolution in Latin America held in Quito, the International Camp of Anti-Fascist and Anti-Imperialist Youth, and the commemorative edition of the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto, published in various languages and countries.

Concerning the situation of imperialism and the struggles of the working class and peoples of the world, an interesting debate developed at the Conference, in which the representatives of each of the parties present expressed its view on the general crisis of the world capitalist system and how it affects the workers and the other exploited and oppressed sectors of our countries, establishing, among other things, that this crisis has reached the point of becoming an obstacle to the development of society and today (imperialism) maintains itself as the dominant system principally by the force which economic domination gives it and by its monopoly of the instruments of violence."

It also emphasized the advances in the struggle which the working class and peoples of all the countries are waging against capitalist exploitation and for liberation from colonial and neo-colonial domination.

The Conference considered that, "given the fundamental tendencies of the economic, political and social process taking place on a world level, today it is even more necessary to develop an anti-imperialist policy which leads to the formation of a World Anti-Imperialist Front."

It emphasized the obligation of each of the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations to place themselves at the head of the struggles taking place, to give them correct orientation on the theoretical and political level, especially in confrontation with all the opportunist and revisionist currents which, relying on old and new theses, seek to divert the struggles of the workers in order to maintain them under the domination of capital.

A series of tasks was agreed upon to which the parties participating in the Conference are committed, emphasizing especially an international campaign of solidarity with comrade Gregorio Alvarado, demanding his reappearance alive, and the campaign of urgent action for the freedom of comrade Francisco Caraballo.

It was agreed to dedicate all the work carried out by the Conference to the memory of comrade Washington Alvarez, an outstanding leader of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador, who died recently.

The Conference agreed on the agenda and site of the next meeting.

Finally, the Conference expressed its gratitude to the Red Flag Party for the efforts it made to guarantee the successful holding of the Meeting.

Caracas, Venezuela, October 1998
Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)
Communist Party of Labor of the Dominican Republic
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Communist Party of the Workers of France
Communist Party of Mexico Marxist-Leninist
October Communist Organization of Spain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey
Red Flag Party of Venezuela

International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations

Comrades of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador

Due to the lamentable death of comrade Washington Alvarez, the International Conference of Marxist-Leninist Parties and Organizations, currently meeting in Venezuela, sends its condolences to his family, his comrades of the PCMLE and to the Ecuadorian people.

The death of Washington Alvarez saddens all the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations of the world. For his dedication to the struggle for the liberation of the Ecuadorian people and the unity of the international communist movement, his death is a severe blow to the cause of all the oppressed of the world. His example remains, which we are sure the PCMLE will be able to multiply to convert it into a banner which will be held high by all Ecuadorians.

In dipping our banners to say farewell to Washington Alvarez, we reaffirm the commitment of each and every one of our parties in the struggle for the same objectives which inspired comrade Washington.

With internationalist greetings

Honor and glory to comrade Washington Alvarez!

Venezuela, October 5, 1998

Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)
Communist Party of Labor of the Dominican Republic
Communist Party of the Workers of France
Communist Party of Mexico Marxist-Leninist
October Communist Organization of Spain
Revolutionary Communist Party of Turkey
Red Flag Party of Venezuela

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