From En Marcha
Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
August 13-20, 1998

Resolutions of the Second International Seminar: "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America"

Resolution on Colombia

The insurgency of the Colombian people, the guerrilla movement, the combatative actions of the popular masses, the fervent desires of broad social sectors for peace and progress, are showing an important development, they are confronting the policy of imperialism and the oligarchies, putting forth the perspectives of new victories and forcing the government to consider talks and negotiations for Peace.

The revolutionary forces of Colombia are making important political proposals which are up for discussion. They reaffirm their position as revolutionary formations, their willingness to seek peace with social justice, their decision not to give up their weapons nor their objectives of liberation of a strategic character.

We, the participating organizations in the Second Seminar "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America":

* Support the positions of the FARC [Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia], the ELN [National Liberation Army], EPL [Popular Liberation Army] and other Colombian revolutionaries.

* Demand that the Colombian government respect human rights, cease the repression and free the political prisoners as proof of their seriousness in their wish to negotiate the end of the violence.

* Condemn the intervention of U.S. imperialism, its military advisers and its troops in the internal affairs of Colombia.

* Add our action to the Day of Solidarity with the Colombian People and Revolutionaries proposed by the Andean Area working group of the Sao Paulo Forum for September of this year.

From En Marcha
Central Organ of the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador
August 20-27, 1998

Solidarity is the friendship of the peoples

The Parties and organizations meeting in the Second Seminar adopted several resolutions that seek to develop solidarity actions. In our preceding issue, together with the final Declaration, we already published one concerning Colombia and we are here presenting the rest of the resolutions.

These texts were approved by all the organizations taking part, which are:

Marxist-Leninist Organization of the Antilles (Curacao)
Revolutionary Communist Party (Argentina)
Colombian Communist Party
Communist Party of Colombia (Marxist-Leninist)
Communist Youth of Colombia
Communist Party of Labor (Dominican Republic)
Communist Party of Peru (Red Fatherland)
Red Flag Party (Venezuela)
Popular Democratic Movement (Ecuador)
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Ecuador

As with the Declaration, we are sure that these resolutions will also be taken up by the various organizations which sent reports and greetings from various countries of the Continent, who form part of this effort for the unity of the revolutionaries and anti-imperialists of Latin America and the Caribbean.

For Peace between Peru and Ecuador

The Second International Seminar "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America"


That, for a long time it has been an aspiration of the peoples of American and of the neighboring countries, Ecuador and Peru, to find a solution to their long conflict;

That the peoples of both countries wish for a peaceful solution to this conflict based on respect for their mutual rights and the guarantee of their territorial integrity and national sovereignty;

The need for a peaceful settlement, expresses the firm opposition of the peoples of Ecuador and Peru to the continuation of the road of armaments, of war-like confrontations and permanent hostility that the bourgeoisies of these countries incite among the fraternal peoples; and

That it is necessary to create a climate of peace along the borders, to develop the integration between the peoples, who have common interests, rejecting the threats of fratricidal war, in which the poorest people are the ones who suffer the consequences.


To demand from the governments of Ecuador and Peru respectively, as well as the guarantor countries, that they seek a peaceful and negotiated solution to the dispute;

To work actively so that the popular organizations, the democratic political parties, progressive personalities, patriotic soldiers and other sectors of both countries add their voices to the demand for a negotiated solution that satisfies the interests of both peoples, respecting their rights; and,

To express by all means their outspoken opposition to all war-like attempts or solutions to the conflict by means of war.

Quito, July 31, 1998

Solidarity with Puerto Rico

Knowing the disgraceful conditions of exploitation imposed by U.S. Imperialism on the nation and people of Puerto Rico, the Second International Seminar on the "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America" gives its most decisive support to the struggle which the fraternal Puerto Rican people is waging to win its independence and sovereignty, and to defeat the plans of privatization of enterprises and public resources that the capitalist government of Roselló is promoting.

It is exactly 100 years since Yankee imperialism trampled upon the Island of Borinquen, imposing a brutal colonial system by means of which it has super-exploited the workers, looted the wealth of the fraternal country, at the same time as it has persisted in tearing apart its national identity and culture.

But the people has resisted this imposition; they have been waging an unequal struggle in various forms and on various fronts. Due to this activity many patriots have been assassinated and hundreds have been imprisoned. Repression has been a constant in the vain attempts of the colonialists to put an end to the independence struggle of the Boricuas.

At this moment there is developing in Puerto Rico the campaign "It's time to come home" by which the people seek to obtain the immediate and unconditional freedom of 15 patriots shut up in the prisons of the United States; a campaign that the parties and organizations taking part in the Seminar support in the most militant manner, take up and promise to mobilize in our respective countries the popular sectors and public opinion to contribute to the freedom of the imprisoned comrades.

Quito, July 31, 1998

Against the U.S. Blockade of Cuba

Those attending the Second International Seminar "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America,"


That the United States has tried, in vain, to defeat the right of Cuba to independence and self-determination, from which it has not stopped trying to invade the Island, expelling it from the OAS [Organization of American States], isolating it, trying to assassinate its leader Commander Fidel Castro, using bacteriological warfare and suffocating its economy;

That the United States has been trying to impose a unilateral and illegal economic blockade on the Republic of Cuba for more than 37 years;

That the United States, given the failure of the blockade, has tried to illegally impose it on other countries by such laws as the Torricelli Law and the Helms-Burton Law, which seek to impose extra-territoriality on the economic decisions of other countries;


To reject the illegal and inhuman blockade of the United States against the Republic of Cuba;

To call on the peoples to continue opposing the isolation of Cuba, and on the governments to reject the blackmail of the United States and to oppose the blockade;

To give our firm support to the Cuban people in defense of their dignity and their right to whatever political and economic system they desire.

Quito, July 31, 1998

Against colonialism in the Caribbean and Latin America

Considering that the imperialist powers such as France, England and Holland still have colonies in the Caribbean and Latin America.

Considering that the struggle against colonialism in the Caribbean and Latin America such as in the countries of Martinique, Guadeloupe, "French" Guyana, the so-called "Dutch" Antilles, is part of the anti-imperialist struggle.

The Second International Seminar on the "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America,"


To include in the series of activities for the day in the last week of November of 1998: Denunciations in various forms of French, English and Dutch colonialism that still remains in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Continental day of anti-imperialist struggle

The Second International Seminar "Problems of the Revolution in Latin America"


To convene and push for a continental Latin American and Caribbean day for National Sovereignty, the Self-Determination of the Peoples, respect for Human Rights and the Freedom of Political Prisoners.

The Parties and Organizations attending this important event promise to push forward this day in the last week in November.

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